Naive Technology Use – Dimensional Feedback

Dimensional Case-Study: 574-DZ

Location Focus: Planet 0072

Status: Dimensional distortion present

Dimension 574-DZ was brought to the attention of the C.T.I. under Marshalship request for study of strange fluctuation feedback after routine stability scan in the area. After automated scouting vessels revealed little in terms of answers. the C.T.I. was asked to do a hand sweep of the planet in question. The following report is my humble assessment of the source of fluctuation as well as the issues surrounding it.

Upon arrival, 0072 showed immediate signs of prior habitation. The landing zone in question was a city near a coastline in terrible condition. From first glance, the area itself looked like it had been a battle field. This notion was quickly dismissed however upon further investigation. Signs of destruction were not consistent with strategic bombings, their only pattern was none at all. Pieces of the terrain itself in all locations across the globe seemed simply ripped up, shaved out, or generally displaced. Its obvious the trouble there had been caused by some kind of spacial anomaly, not something as simple as forceful explosions or weaponry. Here is a shot of the landing zone.

The first few hours were spent setting up spacial sensors within a few miles radius of the initial drop zone for proper triangulation readings. Despite the tools available, however, it was obvious more information would be needed. A scouring of the ruined location would be necessary to infer more of what issues had battered this world. Luckily as triangulation readings filtered in, most of the feedback presented was centered around one area in particular – the city of the drop zone. Scouting the city revealed three areas of particular interest:

  • A toppled down Corporation Headquarters by the name of ‘ABT’ showed signs of more recent habitation. Whomever survived the events on the planet were gone though, leaving no verbal explanation. It was still a stroke of luck they chose this location, however, as further investigation of hardware systems within revealed mention of the launch of  a space vessel testing the planet’s first ever warp drive on the date September 12th, 2007 in translation of MST. Intriguing as the idea of a survivor was, the only prudent fact that came from this location was that mentioned date, as further evidence was found.
  • A location pinpointed by what appears to be the source of tunneling waves of the distortion. Every ‘chunk’ of reality that was ripped away pointed to originating from this spot. Further inspection of the location revealed it was in fact a crash site, of the very vessel mentioned in the ABT logs. On board logging systems that survived revealed a vocal recording of the crash, which had been just after launch. Upon the peak of the launch, the warp systems had failed due to some form of interference, which in turn caused it to come crashing back down into the city. What was strange, however, was that the warp enginge in question sounded as though something were forcing it to react back to life just prior to the impact itself. A reconstruction of the ship is given below.

  • The final spot was a very interesting anomaly, completely untouched by the effects that ravaged the planet. It itself was centered around a hospital, though it was proven with further study that the structure itself had nothing to do with the reason it was spared.

To decipher this mystery, a partner in my research managed to bring to my attention the following. The location of the crash site of the warp vessel was, in fact, the closest thing one can get to a ‘borderline’ to the nearby dimension 573-XX. The leylines in question were structurally sound, which is the disturbing fact, as dimensional energies from either dimension of such close proximity were thus far more capable of interfering with one another. A reading of an undocumented source of feedback was recorded around the same time as the warp-vessels supposed launch date. With this information lining up, the following theory has been tested in a simulation environment and proven rather sound.

  1. ABT Warp Vessel is launched, taking roughly three minutes to reach and break atmosphere. Time: 00 min.
  2. ABT Warp Vessel shutdowns primary engine systems, diverting power to charging warp fluctuation. Time: 03 min.
  3. Dimensional interference from 573-XX begins its emanations. Time: 03 min.
  4. Warp fluctuation hole sparks dimensional trigger reaction, warp engine in turn becoming overwhelmed and locked by feeding off the dimensional energy. Vessel begins plummet back to planet side with its systems unresponsive. Time: 05 min.
  5. Dimensional energy within warp drive builds, forcing an uncontrolled jump-start of the drive, just prior to impact on the planet’s surface. Dimensional jump energy is thus released, streaking over the planet with little bias in its targets. Time: 08 min.
  6. Energy in turn seeks easiest dispersion point, looping back over the planet completely, finding the original warp trigger caused by the initial rev of the drive upon the native vessel’s break of atmosphere. This is why the hospital location was spared, the energies diverging upwards into space above it before sifting off. Time: 10 min.

(1: Launch point, 2: Warp Trigger and escape point, 3: Crash site, image not to scale).

And there you have it. The Dimensional Jump within a nearby dimension, in the wrong place at the wrong time, ended this entire civilization after a series of unfortunate lineups. Certainly this is an extreme case, but from it one quickly notes the similarities between this event and reported displacements all across the multiverse. How many cases of singular displacement have been caused by an unexplained malfunction of a teleport, a warp, or from some pocket space the creator otherwise feels completely comfortable with? Where do you think this malfunction comes from? It would be naive to say that leylines across the multiverse have simply worn themselves down. While true that many dimensional displacements are a natural phenomenon, they also comes from the naive belief that controlled dimensional jumping has no negative side effects. Even something as simple as the displacement of space upon arrival and exiting vacuum upon dimensional exit are issues we shouldn’t be so ready to dismiss.

Therefore, with this study as my proof, as well as my continuing studies hereafter, I beg a wider share of resources be devoted to further research on improving the technologies we already have. We should focus on asking questions we otherwise divert our gaze from, so that we never do unintentional harm in the multiverse we strike so hard to protect. I understand and appreciate the CoRe and Marshalship efforts both thus far, often porting from controlled and stable space under a strong set of heuristics, yet still naive assumptions of our understanding and abilities can only cause harm.

Filed under: General | Posted on May 12th, 2009 by Crono

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